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When Buying a Home Determine Your Needs...

Information for Buyers

Before you begin house hunting, create a realistic "shopping list" to narrow your search. Looking for a home can take time, especially if you have not focused on what is most important.

Create a "wish list" and a "must have" list. Many people focus more on "wants" than "needs." As a result, they sometimes reject homes that perfectly meet their needs in search of homes that meet their wants, which in many cases can be out of your budget and unaffordable.

That's not to say that you shouldn't try to get what you want - you should just be able to tell the difference between what you really need and what you would like to have.

Oakmark Realty Inc.
Ph: 770-240-1010  -  Fax: 770-573-6469
6175 Hickory Flat Hwy Ste 110-331
Canton, GA 30115

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